Thursday, February 09, 2006
I am forever stalked. I don't get gang street theatre. I don't get break-ins. If I get brighted I would not know it.
I don't have a car so the only car-stalking I get is that when I come and go I ....
Right now, I am in the Public Library in Phila. and a helicopter went right over the roof directly over top me. It must have been so low for it to sound so loud as there are no windows above or alongside me.
Anyhow, what I was saying before the rude interuption which never ends--is that whenever I leave my home people get into cars and go too. I don't care but I notice. I know they are keeping track of me since it's always that way, but in a free country they can do all of that.
What happened today is I went to work and whenever I go there are aways a couple of men there talking and they watch me. Could be a coincidence. But, today I couldn't get where I needed to go. And so, I left right away and the guy was there and saw me leave and got on his cellphone. I came back. I walked towards him. He got into his car.
I noticed he was extremely overweight. I pretended I was on my cellphone and said out loud "there's another one here and guess what--he's big and fat. Isn't that odd that I am being tortured and deformed by men and so many of them are either fat, short or ugly or all three?"
Oddly enough, my neighbor perp who targeted me originally for this fate worse than death and who lived next door to me for 7 1/2 years gained about 100 lbs. in the last 2 years that I lived there and so did his wife who had been on the skinny side.
Anyhow, this guy got on his cell again. Another old guy comes out and is carrying a package. I walk down the street. At the end of the block I turn and look back to see if they got in THE CAR WHICH IS STILL TURNED ON and left yet.
But, no, they had not and were in the cold--a fat man and an old man out in the cold when one of them had a warm car and the other one just came out of a warm car. Apparently they had to stay on that corner.
I looked at them and let them know I was watching them.
When I turned the corner to leave a cop car was sitting there.
Everytime I go to work there is a cop car either at the beginning or right after I arrive.
And as I turned up another block there was yet another cop sitting there.
The copters were there circling the whole time.
So, when I say I am not being gang-stalked I mean not in a physically threatening way. I AM ALWAYS BEING WATCHED--ALWAYS.
And I am a target of EMF Torture Chamber by the U.S. Government. Many targets of this horrible crime believe it is the government experimenting on them.
It's been going on for 6 years and they are assaulting me physically with these weapons and my face is being deformed by this too.
Is that an experiment?
All of the targets of this crime believe we are being tortured and will eventually die of this experiment.
Is that an experiment?
All I know is it is a crime and we are being tortured and will be murdered if it isn't stopped.
I believe the government is training their people to use the weapons. I also believe they targeted me because I am a LESBIAN.
Therefore it is a vicious GANG-BANG, a heinous HATE CRIME, and a rapacious SEX CRIME --all rolled into one.
This crime is being perpetrated by A GROUP OF MEN AGAINST A SINGLE FEMALE.
Does it get any more cowardly than that.
They have secret EMF weapons and I am unarmed.
This is a bloody massacre.
When will the truth come out about this crime?
Read the book "1996" by Gloria Naylor to find out more about the horrible crime being perpetrated in the country by a secret government agency.
There were employees of the NSA who were whistle-blowers on the NSA. They have since been fired and labeled "MENTALLY ILL" at the same workplace they blew the whistle on.
This crime is used against individuals by gangs of government agents. They use EMF (electromagnetic frequency) Weapons on these people. These are weapons which can be fired from inside a neighbors' home. The EMF goes right through walls.
When people are targeted with these weapons other people can't see the EMF or where it's coming from.
This means that you can't prove that it's being done to you.
That means they can get away with assault, torture and even murder while making the person they target look like they are INSANE.
I don't have a car so the only car-stalking I get is that when I come and go I ....
Right now, I am in the Public Library in Phila. and a helicopter went right over the roof directly over top me. It must have been so low for it to sound so loud as there are no windows above or alongside me.
Anyhow, what I was saying before the rude interuption which never ends--is that whenever I leave my home people get into cars and go too. I don't care but I notice. I know they are keeping track of me since it's always that way, but in a free country they can do all of that.
What happened today is I went to work and whenever I go there are aways a couple of men there talking and they watch me. Could be a coincidence. But, today I couldn't get where I needed to go. And so, I left right away and the guy was there and saw me leave and got on his cellphone. I came back. I walked towards him. He got into his car.
I noticed he was extremely overweight. I pretended I was on my cellphone and said out loud "there's another one here and guess what--he's big and fat. Isn't that odd that I am being tortured and deformed by men and so many of them are either fat, short or ugly or all three?"
Oddly enough, my neighbor perp who targeted me originally for this fate worse than death and who lived next door to me for 7 1/2 years gained about 100 lbs. in the last 2 years that I lived there and so did his wife who had been on the skinny side.
Anyhow, this guy got on his cell again. Another old guy comes out and is carrying a package. I walk down the street. At the end of the block I turn and look back to see if they got in THE CAR WHICH IS STILL TURNED ON and left yet.
But, no, they had not and were in the cold--a fat man and an old man out in the cold when one of them had a warm car and the other one just came out of a warm car. Apparently they had to stay on that corner.
I looked at them and let them know I was watching them.
When I turned the corner to leave a cop car was sitting there.
Everytime I go to work there is a cop car either at the beginning or right after I arrive.
And as I turned up another block there was yet another cop sitting there.
The copters were there circling the whole time.
So, when I say I am not being gang-stalked I mean not in a physically threatening way. I AM ALWAYS BEING WATCHED--ALWAYS.
And I am a target of EMF Torture Chamber by the U.S. Government. Many targets of this horrible crime believe it is the government experimenting on them.
It's been going on for 6 years and they are assaulting me physically with these weapons and my face is being deformed by this too.
Is that an experiment?
All of the targets of this crime believe we are being tortured and will eventually die of this experiment.
Is that an experiment?
All I know is it is a crime and we are being tortured and will be murdered if it isn't stopped.
I believe the government is training their people to use the weapons. I also believe they targeted me because I am a LESBIAN.
Therefore it is a vicious GANG-BANG, a heinous HATE CRIME, and a rapacious SEX CRIME --all rolled into one.
This crime is being perpetrated by A GROUP OF MEN AGAINST A SINGLE FEMALE.
Does it get any more cowardly than that.
They have secret EMF weapons and I am unarmed.
This is a bloody massacre.
When will the truth come out about this crime?
Read the book "1996" by Gloria Naylor to find out more about the horrible crime being perpetrated in the country by a secret government agency.
There were employees of the NSA who were whistle-blowers on the NSA. They have since been fired and labeled "MENTALLY ILL" at the same workplace they blew the whistle on.
This crime is used against individuals by gangs of government agents. They use EMF (electromagnetic frequency) Weapons on these people. These are weapons which can be fired from inside a neighbors' home. The EMF goes right through walls.
When people are targeted with these weapons other people can't see the EMF or where it's coming from.
This means that you can't prove that it's being done to you.
That means they can get away with assault, torture and even murder while making the person they target look like they are INSANE.