Friday, January 20, 2006


5.---Journal entries for September 13, 2001

September 13, 2001

Went to prayer vigil at City Hall--Mayor Street and Govenor Ridge were there as well as several reverends and Cardinal Beviloqua and the news media were there.

Cei ran into me in front of the Liberty Bell. I thought the vigil was there and so she got me to it right on time. It was good to hear--I needed it.

Then went to W. W. and ran into Kathy--she gave me some cash she owed me from when I ferret-sat for her. Then I saw Joe--all buff--was he okay? Yes or no. Hope he is. Home and news.

Called Tommy because my mother told me he's going to war if we have it. I told him I understand and would go too if I could--He's okay now--he was upset but he's ready to fight now. So he's feeling very much like helping. I want to help tool Thought of giving blood--heard they were turning people away. Maybe I'll be able to get supplies to 5th & Market tomorrow. It's not much but it's something.


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